10 Hormones Sabotaging Your Weight Goals
I hear it over and over: "hormones don’t affect weight." This mindset is usually from those who simply believe your weight issues are...
Supplementing Your Weight Loss Journey
Calories In. Calories Out. Low Carb. High Fat. Intermittent Fasting. High Protein. Moderate Protein. Cardio. Weight Training. HIIT. Amino...
Treatment for Chronic and Acute Soft Tissue Injuries: Prolotherapy and PRP
Prolotherapy is a treatment that has quickly become a primary option for pain management of chronic conditions such as arthritis,...
Estrogen: The Unsuspected Culprit of Weight Plateaus
You have been working out hard, eating well, sleeping a minimum 7 hours, drinking adequate water….yet you can’t break through your weight...
15 Uses of Neural Therapy
Neural therapy has been around since 1940, it was founded when a medical doctor first injected a solution into a scar. The therapy...
Can Naturopathic Doctors Do Adjustments?
First, let's start by answering the question. Yes, ND's can do adjustments. To pass the BC licensing exam, naturopathic doctors must be...
Myth Or Fact: Once You Damage Joints, There's Nothing You Can Do
Prolotherapy, also referred to as regenerative injection therapy, has been used for over 100 years. U.S. general surgeon George Hackett...
Myth or Fact: To Remove a Tick Use Something Hot
As spring flowers begin to bloom and the weather warms up, people are pulling their bikes out of storage and lacing up their hiking boots...
Become DOMS Free Faster
You have just PR’d Fran or Murph….now what? Well most likely DOMS is next…or delayed onset muscle soreness. So what is exactly happening...
How to Avoid Joining the Liver Pandemic
Have you thought about your liver lately? Did you know that there is a “liver pandemic” currently occurring? A condition called...