Therapeutic Injections
Chronic migraines and headaches can be difficult to live with as they impact day to day living. Common side effects include: pain, pressure, visual disturbances, light auras, muscle tensions, and more.
Most treatments lead to medications but if its muscle related, neuromodulators may be able to to provide longer lasting relief.
At The Helix Clinic, we are fully certified in the use of neuromodulators for the therapeutic treatment for migraines. This may also be covered by extended medical plans.
TMJ Syndrome
Clenching and grinding can do more than just damage your teeth. It can lead to early joint degeneration and chronic pain. By targeting the muscle responsible for "clenching", there activity can be reduced to a normal standard relieving pain and helping to project your temporal mandibular joint and teeth.
The two main muscle involved: masseter and temporalis
This treatment may be covered by extended medical plans.